Psychology major Kylee Rishel poses with her certificate and the Nittany Lion after the induction ceremony.


十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s new Tri-Alpha Honor Society offers support and resources for first-generation students

有时候做第一个是很困难的:长子, the first of your friends to jump off the high dive at the community pool, the first to invent something or the first to share a novel idea or discovery.

Being the first in a family to attend college can also be hard, with issues specific only to them.

A first-generation college student is typically defined as one whose parents or guardians did not complete a 四年 college or university degree. 根据十大网投平台信誉排行榜的统计数据, about 25% of the University’s undergraduate student population at University Park and the Commonwealth Campuses combined are first-generation. Approximately 37% of the students at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 are first-generation.

这些学生是面临独特挑战的人群的一部分, 比如缺乏父母的指导, 财政压力和债务, 学院准备, 以及对校园资源缺乏认识. 这些可能导致孤立和边缘化, 常常让学生感到被忽视, 就像他们不适应,或者他们不够好上大学.

Recognizing the importance of helping first-generation students navigate the college experience, 在挑战中支持他们, 庆祝他们的成功, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜是阿尔法阿尔法阿尔法的特许会员, 或Tri-Alpha, 在2023年秋天成为荣誉社团,并成为Theta Chi分会.

汉斯·埃斯特万, 网络安全分析与运营专业, 在就职典礼上接受他的证书和胸针.

汉斯·埃斯特万, 网络安全分析与运营专业, 在就职典礼上接受他的证书和胸针.

来源:Marissa Carney

Tri-Alpha, founded in 2018, is the nation’s only honor society for first-gen students. Theta Chi is the fourth Tri-Alpha chapter at Penn State: Penn State Abington and Penn State Lehigh Valley previously installed their chapters, 大学公园今年也推出了自己的公园.

4月5日, 43名十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳学生, 教师, 教职员工是学院分会的首批入会成员.

“First-gen students bring many unique perspectives and skills to our campus that make us stronger,苏·帕特森说, director of 多样性、公平、包容和归属感. “Achieving this level of academic success when you are a member of the first-gen population is notable and should be honored.”

“It’s pretty prestigious to me,” says Sara Hyde, a first-gen, environmental studies student. “我的家庭一直在挣扎, 但他们为我能做到这一点铺平了道路, 现在我们可以庆祝了.”

Anisa米勒, 阿尔图纳人,心理学专业, 听取就职典礼上的讲话.

Anisa米勒, 阿尔图纳人,心理学专业, 听取就职典礼上的讲话.

来源:Marissa Carney

Getting into college is one success for first-gens—staying there is another. Barriers include navigating scholarship and financial aid and balancing full- or part-time jobs and family obligations on top of credit loads. 当事情变得艰难, 资金枯竭, 或者当一个学位似乎不值得这么麻烦的时候, Tri-Alpha的教职员工可以作为导师和支持系统介入.

“I believe 教师 visibility is critically important for these students,Lara La Dage说, 生物学副教授, 她自己也是第一代学生, 和三阿尔法成员. “I belong to several underrepresented groups in higher education so I am keenly aware of the importance of visibility, and how self-identifying can serve as an anchor for students who share similar demographics.”

La Dage goes on to say these 教师 and staff mentors can normalize the experiences of 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校’s first-generation college students. 他们可以培养一个社区,让第一代感到被看到和理解, 建立联系, 和那些致力于第一代成功的人建立一个网络.

Proud families support their sons and daughters during the induction ceremony.

Proud families support their sons and daughters during the induction ceremony.

来源:Marissa Carney

艾琳Shumac, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校学生成功倡导者, 很高兴了解并加入Tri-Alpha. She says she saw it as a wonderful opportunity to highlight the first-gen identity in a positive light and provided opportunities to collaborate, 追求, 和志同道合的人一起庆祝.

“I'd be honored for students to see me as someone who is approachable and committed to traveling on their educational journey with them as long as they'd need or like. 通过有意识地与我们的第一代学生交流, 我们可以了解他们独特的挑战, 培养他们的天赋和才能, 并真诚地为他们的成就鼓掌.”

Dr. 罗恩Darbeau, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校校长, 他自己也加入了这个协会, 但也向其他入选者发表了讲话, 特别的学生. He pointed out that being aTri-Alpha member is more than something to put on a resume later: it identifies them to potential employers and other professionals as people of superior academic ability and commitment.

不要低估它在你生活中的重要性. 大学学位为你打开了一扇大门, 当那些门是顽固的, 一个大学学位会击倒他们. 你做什么, 你为自己做, 但是上帝啊, 有很多人等着被你激励. 你做什么很重要.”

Psychology major Kylee Rishel poses with her certificate and the Nittany Lion after the induction ceremony.

Psychology major Kylee Rishel poses with her certificate and the Nittany Lion after the induction ceremony.

来源:Marissa Carney

这句话击中了杰迪·潘西尔的要害, 传播学专业大四,辅修创业. One of the biggest motivators for going to and getting through college is her younger sister. “Coming from a family where no one went to college and the passing of my mother, I really thought I could be a good role model for my little sister by going to college and setting the standards. I think I have because she says she wants to go to college, and she’s only 14. 很高兴看到我对她产生了好的影响.”

Sierra Snigier于2020年毕业于十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, 她是家里第一个获得大学学位的人. She currently works as a marketing assistant in her hometown city of Seaford, Delaware.

She encourages her fellow first-gens to get involved in campus clubs and organizations that can lead to a world of networking, 奖学金, 实习, 和机会.

但最重要的是,“为你在那里感到骄傲. 你有影响力.”

“This is a tough road to hoe,” Darbeau told students at the induction ceremony. “It takes a lot to be first and not a single one of you is devoid of the mind set or skill to do this and do it well. You are not alone, and we will remind you of the power and the potency you have. 我为你们每一个人感到骄傲,因为你们足够勇敢, 有足够的灵感走完这段旅程.”

从今年秋天开始,十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校将向校友开放会员资格, 每学期都会举行入会仪式.


周四, 4月4日, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 hosted the inaugural induction ceremony of the Theta Chi chapter of Alpha Alpha Alpha, 第一代大学生的荣誉社团.