College of Ag Sciences senior gets a 'kick' out of 宾州州立马棚 living

Pauline Oleinik和horse

Paulina Oleinik, 他是十大网投平台信誉排行榜农业科学学院的大四学生, 是宾州州立马厩的住家员工吗.


宾州大学公园. - Paulina Oleinik,一名大四学生 十大网投平台信誉排行榜农业科学学院, started her college career at the University's 阿尔图纳 campus, she had no idea that one day she would call a horse barn her home.

奥莱尼克和其他四名学生是该公司的住家员工 宾州州立马棚. The on-campus horse farm is home to approximately 70 American quarter horses and an active breeding facility, which raises about 20 foals per year and trains them for sale by the time they reach two years of age.


来自新泽西州切斯特菲尔德的奥莱尼克主修 动物科学 未成年人 马科学, 国际农业 和德国. She began working at the barn in the summer of 2017 but is new to the live-in position. She moved in last fall and said she is more than thrilled to have the opportunity to be even more involved in the horse program.

“作为一名新生, I didn't even realize Penn State had such extensive livestock facilities,奥莱尼克说. "Living at the barn has been the best experience of my life; that may sound like an exaggeration, 但这确实是真的."

She explained that Penn State-raised horses are used in classes for the 马科学 minor and for research projects. Horses born at the farm also make great pets for people with a wide variety of equine interests, 许多人还进行了广泛的展示. 还有五个住家学生, there are six other student employees and two full-time managers who are responsible for the care of these horses.

Oleinik said she has gained invaluable experience from this job. 和年轻的马一起工作, 给生病的动物治病, to helping with the collection of stallions and insemination of mares — every day at the barn offers a new lesson.


Every day at the 宾州州立马棚 offers a new lesson for 动物科学s senior Paulina Oleinik, 与刚出生的马驹在一起.


She added that there is more responsibility that comes with living and working at the barn, 但她准备好迎接挑战了.

“在秋季学期,我们有一只病得很重的断奶猪, 所以我们每隔几个小时就起来看看她,她说. "It was one of the more emotionally taxing things I've had to deal with, but it gave me a new perspective on the kind of work that goes into a breeding farm."

在一个轻松的音符, Oleinik noted that she loves being able to step out of her room and see the horses — even if they do "like to bang on their feed buckets at four in the morning."


For Oleinik, working with her fellow students is rewarding 也.

"People ask me all the time what it's like living and working at the barn and how they can get involved with our program,她说. "One of my favorite things is interacting with these students who share a passion for the equine industry."

Oleinik is no stranger to spreading the word about the college or sharing her passions with fellow students. 先是作为狮子大使,然后是 公司倡导, she has worked with potential students who are interested in becoming part of the College of Agricultural Sciences.

"People ask me all the time what it's like living and working at the barn and how they can get involved with our program. One of my favorite things is interacting with these students who share a passion for the equine industry."

——paulina Oleinik,十大网投平台信誉排行榜动物科学专业的大四学生

One of her favorite parts of being an 公司倡导 is meeting people from all over the country and informing them about everything the college has to offer.

"Students who give tours have an impact on whether students want to come to a university or not,她说. “当我在高中参观大学的时候, 如果一个学生做了一次糟糕的旅行, 我对那所学校真的失去了兴趣. 代表整个学院,责任重大, 但我很自豪能参与其中."


这学期末毕业, Oleinik is preparing for the next step in her life: attending law school. 提交了10份申请, 她希望能被康奈尔大学法学院录取, where she can embrace another one of her passions: 国际农业. The program would allow her to study law in Germany for a year. She eventually would like to live in Europe and practice international law, 重点是动物和农业法.

Her interest in 国际农业 has been fostered by her study-abroad experiences. She participated in a 10-day trip to Paris as part of a course titled, 比较美国的农业和粮食系统.S. 和法国.学生们参观了香槟葡萄园等地, 一所农业高中, 龙吉斯国际市场, 凡尔赛宫的国王厨房花园, the French National Institute for Agricultural 研究 and an Organic Farm Share Program.


Paulina Oleinik's interest in 国际农业 has been fostered by her study abroad experiences, 其中包括为期10天的巴黎之旅,这是一门名为“巴黎之旅”的课程的一部分, 比较美国的农业和粮食系统.S. 和法国." 


“有时候很容易忘记, but agriculture isn't an industry limited to the United States; it's everywhere and it's different everywhere,她说. "France was amazing culturally, but I learned so much from its agricultural systems, too."

奥莱尼克正在努力实现她上法学院的梦想, and she advises her fellow students to work hard to reach their dreams, 也.

"Most successful people have had to deal with denials and setbacks in their lives,她说. "My mom always says you can cry about it today, but tomorrow you have to keep going. 我试着看到每个“不”背后的新可能性.“我的梦想和目标不会改变."
