贞洁省长 helps a child plant seeds during a school program


Recent recognitions for her work in environmental education are confirming to 贞洁省长 that she is on the right career journey.

贞洁省长 wasn’t supposed to be an environmental educator.

And she certainly wasn’t supposed to be a student at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, 更别说是大学毕业生了.

And yet when she considers her current professional success and personal sense of fulfillment, 她承认也许这一切都是命中注定的.

成长的过程中, 贝伊就读于匹兹堡科学技术学院, 一所专注于stem相关领域的公立学校, 她在哪里研究环境能源. The classes she took under that umbrella piqued her interest in studying the field further.

After graduation, she chose to study environmental systems engineering at Penn State New Kensington. “I just had it stuck in my brain that engineering was my future, so I took that with me into college. It took me a little bit to realize that it wasn’t going to work out for me.”


逻辑上的支点是 环境研究 在一般情况下, but there was another stumbling block—Penn State New Kensington doesn’t have such a major, which is how Bey found herself transferring to 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 and enrolling in its program.

“I don't know that I had a vision of what it would be like, but it turned out well. I made some really good friends, and the program was diverse. 我所有的课程都给了我很多深刻的见解和知识.”

Bey graduated in 2017 with a bachelor of arts in 环境研究 and was hired at the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, 她从高中起就和他们有联系了. She participated in its Urban Eco-Steward program in 2010 and 2011, 2015年夏季担任夏令营辅导员, 并在那里完成了她的大学实习.

贞德·贝(贞洁省长)带领一群露营者到申利公园(Schenley Park)远足

贞德·贝(贞洁省长)带领一群露营者到申利公园(Schenley Park)远足

Credit: 贞洁省长

非营利组织, the Parks Conservancy is committed to restoring and maintaining the city’s park system to excellence. Projects and programs are conducted with respect for the environment, 具有历史意义的设计, 以及不同地区的需求.

作为社区自然教育者, Bey teaches others about the beauty and importance of the environment. 她计划地球月的活动, 学校计划, 以及其他以青年为中心的拓展项目. 弗里克环境中心举办了许多活动, 保护区在哪里, 但贝也会去当地的社区中心和学校.

感谢她对工作的投入, Bey has been the recipient of several awards and recognitions, 今年秋天就会有两个.

贞德·贝和她的40岁以下40人奖 匹兹堡杂志

贞德·贝和她的40岁以下40人奖 匹兹堡杂志

Credit: 贞洁省长

匹兹堡杂志 她被选为2023年40位40岁以下的获奖者之一. The magazine shines a spotlight on those who work to make the region a better place. 今年的主题是“打破障碍”,” lauding individuals who are excelling in fields that have traditionally not been accessible to them and are working to help others succeed in those fields as well.

At 29, Bey is the youngest of this year’s 40 Under 40 recipients who were all honored at a dinner in November.

碧昂丝还被匹兹堡的Get Involved Inc .选中. 作为2023年西部PA新星奖得主之一. 该奖项旨在表彰非营利组织中的年轻专业人士, 业务, and government sectors who dedicate their time and talent to community organizations and who are making a positive impact on their communities.

Past awards include Pittsburgh’s Multiplying Good Changemaker Jefferson Award and the Incline’s Who’s Next Environmental and Energy Award.

贞洁省长 and a camp group on their way to Schenley Plaza for some nature activities

贞洁省长 and a camp group on their way to Schenley Plaza for some nature activities

Credit: 贞洁省长

“这太疯狂了. These awards keep popping up, and I didn’t even know I was being considered or had been nominated. I have a bit of imposter syndrome because I’m being recognized and people are seeing my work, 这就像, 这太棒了, 谢谢你!, 但我只是在做我该做的.’”

卡洛琳马汉, professor of biology and 环境研究 at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, had Bey in several of her classes and has kept in touch with her, even traveling to Pittsburgh for a visit and a tour of her office building.

马汉说:“我为《信誉最好的大网投平台》感到无比自豪. “She would be doing great work even if it weren’t acknowledged. But it's wonderful that it has been and in such a public setting. 它不仅让人们认识到贞操本身, but it also brings recognition to the importance of environmental education and environmental advocacy.”

虽然这些荣誉是值得赞赏的, what keeps Bey excited about her job are the connections she makes with the children in her programs and being the one to open their eyes to the value of healthy habitats and ecosystems and the relationship between humans and nature.

“我小的时候, nobody came to my school to teach us about nature and sustainability or tell us we could have a career in those things. It’s really fulfilling to get kids excited about 环境研究 and preservation.”

As Bey takes a moment to reflect on her academic and professional journey, she’s pretty sure she would not be satisfied had she stuck it out with environmental engineering. She does sometimes wonder if she should try something new within the field, 但她觉得什么都不对, 除此之外, 她的生活似乎正朝着正确的方向发展.

“Now that I'm thinking about who I am as an adult, as a person, I am happy, and I feel fulfilled. 我觉得我在做我应该做的事, 就在我该做的地方.”

贞洁省长 helps a child plant seeds during a school program

贞洁省长 helps a child plant seeds during a school program

Credit: 贞洁省长